
Created on 8 April, 2023 • 802 views β€’ 2 minutes read

BeeDrive Read Me

πŸ›  Fully-featured Admin Panel

Comes right out of the box with a ready to use and functional Admin Panel that allows you to control and check everything that is going on on your website.

πŸ‘ Ready to use Dashboard for a nice overview of what happens on your website.

πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ The Users management system to create, view, update and delete users, including management via an API.

πŸ’³ Powerful Tracking Pixels Fb, G anaytics/Tag Manager/Quora/Linkdin/pinterest, Twitter

πŸ’° Payments management to check all the payments made on your platform & Statistics page to see an overview of the growth of your website.

πŸ“ˆ Built in Statistics where you can analyze how your website is growing.SEO Setting Block earch engin indexing , custom title &meta discription

πŸ“ Targeting Languge targeting -send people to different urls based on their browser language. A/B/C....Targeting -send people to different URLS randomly & equally .OS Targeting -send people to different URLS based on their Operating system

πŸ›  The Users management Including a fully Feature, easy to use tools systems . More SEO tools

⭐️The offload Allows the owner of the website to completely offload either the assets of the website (JS, CSS, Images files) or/and the user-uploaded content (logos, avatars) on an external storage system..

πŸ‘Œ The image optimizer Meant to compress and reduce the size of JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF user file uploads for better performance & size reduction. More SEO tools

✨ The Teams Give your users the ability to create teams, invite members based on specific permissions so that they can collaborate between accounts more easily. Manage Back Team Opration Easily..

πŸ”₯ Website settings to control every configuration so that you make it exactly the way you want it.Custom branding people can add their own branding or Comletely remove it .

πŸ’° The affiliate system Gives your website users the ability to earn money by referring paying customers to your website. & Statistics page to see an overview of the growth of your profit.

More features

Here are some extra features that you should know about:

Dark mode

Simply beautiful and ready to go right out of the box.

Social logins

Twitter, Google, Facebook & Discord integrations.

Automatic generated sitemap

Your sitemap is automatically generated and updated for you.

Two Factor Authentication

You and your users can use 2FA if they want to.


The solution to easily categorize your resources.

Multilingual ready (with RTL support)

The whole platform can be translated via the Admin Panel with ease.

SEO Friendly

The whole platform was designed with SEO in mind.

Exportable data

All the important data can be exported via CSV, JSON and even looks good as PDF.


Ready to go REST API for certain parts of the product.

Cookie consent

Integrated cookie consent banner, configurable via the admin panel & translatable.

Resource system

New and Update Free Resources for your Online Business .